Servocad Microtronics technology combines the flexibility of own design methodologies and micro machining process with the integration of electronics developments and servo mechanisms. The result is miniaturization and empowering of traditional tools with electronic & mechanic assemblies at a minimalist scale.
Our range of innovations include developments on minimally invasive surgery, ophthalmology tweezers, endoscopic instruments for human medicine, veterinary medicine, and for industrial endoscopy, robotic programmable tweezers, among others. The company combines its expertise in medical devices developments with software solutions to achieve integration in the operating room and to support clinical process and resource management.
We count with an integrated plant in which we combine the design, the simulation and validation of mechatronic systems and the development of conceptual designs right up to the supply of fully functional prototypes and short series.
Servocad Microtronics considers that research and development is a main target process, assuring the most innovative and precise instruments for new and existing tools. We carefully monitor the quality of our products by conducting extensive tests.
R+D+I department and micro machining technical center dedicated to mechatronic innovation and patent developments.
Our services are focused in the development of products that were born from the research and innovation. The main activity of our company is based in knowledge and technology and our main domain is the integration of mechatronics systems.
Our goal is integration, designing and developing complex micro devices to be applied in a new space and in a more efficient way which leads to disruptive innovations.
Spain - Commercial Office
Gran Via Carles III 158, Of 3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34.687384222
Spain – Technology Center
Poligon Industrial Pla De Santa Anna I, Calle Coll, Nau 2-A, Sant Fruitos De Bages, 08272 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34.935241651
Germany - Commercial Office
UMM Haus 41, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim, Germany
Tel: +49.15257517921
Russia - Commercial Office
Address: 125466, Russia, Moscow, Sokolovo-Mesherskaya str. 14 block 1 office 10.
Tel: +7.9253118207
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